I've done NaNoWriMo 6 times and finished 3. And I hadn't really thought about it before, but have done both the architect and the gardener methods. The planned novel, a mystery, came out better but it might be because I had more experience, too. I do think it made a difference to have scenes or characters to write about when I got stuck. (None of these books ever went anywhere, though I'm still attached to the main characters in the mystery. Someday when I've got more time ...)

You can do it! If you fall behind, set aside a few days to just write and write and write. And then set aside about 45 minutes a day and don't stop writing during that time. NaNoWriMo is in fact how I know that it takes me about 40 minutes to write 1000 words 😂

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Thank you so much for this wisdom! Today was the first day I had the competing priorities of Questhouse and the novel, along with lots of remodeling drama, and my head kind of exploded. But I'm also learning how quickly I can crank out the words, and I'm trusting in the process. Hope your mystery sees the light of day - I would read it!

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It needs serious updating. Someday I'll get back to those two half-sisters who have a complicated history and a difficult relationship ... ;)

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